Drink-drivers target

Wanaka police are conducting an ongoing operation targeting drink-drivers and promise to be anywhere, anytime.

At the weekend, police set up checkpoints in Hawea and Wanaka.

Constable Craig Koppert said a checkpoint on the Hawea Dam stopped 25 cars on Sunday.

Of those drivers, six breathalysed indicated alcohol below the legal limit while one infringement notice was issued to a driver blowing more than 250mcg but under the 400mcg breath alcohol limit.

Other road checkpoints in the area dealt with infringement issues, and led to one driver being summonsed to appear in court.

Const Koppert said the operation would target all streets and roads, including back roads, "so you could see our officers anywhere, anytime".

"Driving while under the influence of alcohol puts you, your passengers, and other road users at risk. This is a high priority for police and you can expect to see us out and about on the roads testing drivers," he said.

"If you are in any doubt at all about being safe or legal to drive due to impairment, don’t drive — it’s not worth it."


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