But they are still waiting on a decision on the rezoning of a nearby block of land to allow a supermarket to be built. Peter Gordon and HGW Trustees Ltd, owned by Wanaka residents Peter and Dee Gordon, has been granted resource consent to subdivide 22.3ha of mostly rural land behind the Aspiring Lifestyle Residential Village, which the couple also co-developed, into 23 residential sectionsPart of the proposal includes land which could be rezoned to allow a small supermarket and other commercial activities.
Access to the subdivision would be by a new T-intersection and road connected with Cardrona Valley Rd.
Developer and nearby property owner Allan Dippie opposed the resource consent because there was no masterplan for development in the area.
Because there was no east-west "connectivity" between Cardrona Valley Rd and Ballantyne Rd, problems would start to arise if more of the land was developed in a fast-growing town such as Wanaka, Mr Dippie said.
Independent commissioners David Whitney and Lee Beattie found the roading proposed as part of the subdivision would not stop the the creation of an east-west road link at some point in the future.
Other issues addressed by Mr Dippie were much better suited to the proposed district plan process rather than a resource consent hearing, the commissioners said.
The Gordons also made a submission on the proposed district plan to have 2.7ha of rural land next to Cardrona Valley Rd rezoned to allow commercial development.
Economist and research analyst John Polkinghorne said in his evidence at the hearing one of the tenants at the site could be a small supermarket.
Modelling showed a supermarket was needed in Wanaka, even if it was built at the nearby Three Parks development, owned by Mr Dippie, he said.
Other tenants for the site could include a petrol station and smaller retail stores.
Earlier this year Mr Dippie told the Otago Daily Times he expected the first of two supermarkets to open either next year or in 2019.
Hearings on the proposed district plan are expected to continue until the end of 2017.