Call to behave better on roads, land

Some motorists need to brush up on basic skills and manners.

Wanaka Fire Brigade members said a long line of motorists did not pull over to let a first-response team through when called to an accident on the Crown Range Rd about 8.30am on Wednesday.

First responder Ralph Fegan said he and another brigade member were travelling in the fire brigade’s van with lights flashing and sirens going but could not overtake the other vehicles because they did not pull over.

Mr Fegan said it was not until they got to the accident site that they discovered it had been a minor, non-injury accident.

The lights, sirens and vehicle markings made it obvious it was an official emergency vehicle.

Meanwhile, a group of four-wheel-drivers were reported trespassing on a high-country station last weekend after they got themselves bluffed and needed help from the farmer, Senior Sergeant Fiona Roberts said.

"We take a dim view on anyone trespassing, as does the farmer."

She did not know of any other high country trespass incidents recently.

There were "many rabbit holes around health and safety" and farmers were within their rights to deny public access because they would be liable for any issues, she said.

"Let’s face it, it is not your land."

A session will take place later next month on shoplifting and how to prevent it.

After a recent spate at Wanaka supermarkets, Wanaka’s community policing team had decided to host an information session for all retailers about preventing theft.

Snr Sgt Roberts said some of the smaller independent retailers might not even know they had been targeted.

The after-work session will be held on August 29 at a private venue.