Boost for community house trust

Dame Sukhi Turner. Photo: ODT
Dame Sukhi Turner. Photo: ODT
Fundraising for the Wanaka Community House received a strong boost last week and plans are in place to secure the money needed for the facility to be debt-free.

Two events — a film documentary about Celia Lashlie and a black tie dinner — were held by the Wanaka Community House Charitable Trust last week and together raised about $35,000.

Trust chairwoman Dame Sukhi Turner said both events were "very successful".  Dame Sukhi was pleased to report all the funding had been secured to cover the building costs, and the current fundraising would be to offset any loans and make sure the community house was debt-free.

"We’re trying really hard to be debt-free, which makes it easier for our tenants and more affordable."

She expected  covering the loans  to cost around $600,000, excluding funds raised from a  forthcoming charity house build auction.

Further events were in the pipeline over the summer and the trust would continue to apply for smaller grants to help reach that target.The house was on track for a September 2019 opening and Dame Sukhi said she "could not wait".

"We’re all very delighted and I hope the community of the Upper Clutha will be delighted as well because it’s such an important facility for the people who live here."

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