Arthouse, independent films to make a comeback

Cinema Paradiso operator Calum MacLeod stands on top of what will soon cinema number three at the movie theatre in Brownston St in Wanaka. Mr MacLeod says with the number of tourists streaming into Wanaka business at the cinema was good. Photo: Tim Miller
Cinema Paradiso operator Calum MacLeod stands on top of what will soon cinema number three at the movie theatre in Brownston St in Wanaka. Mr MacLeod says with the number of tourists streaming into Wanaka business at the cinema was good. Photo: Tim Miller.
Wanaka's booming tourism market is benefiting one unlikely group - cinema lovers.

Construction of a new boutique cinema at Cinema Paradiso has already started and operator Calum MacLeod hopes it will be finished in time for the winter tourism season.

''It's sort of the natural extension to our second cinema and when we made the resource consent application for cinema two there was always going to be a cinema three.''

Now was the right time for the expansion as the number of tourists heading to Wanaka was not expected to decrease anytime soon, he said.

''You could say business is pretty good, but if you're in the tourism business at the moment and you're not doing well then you probably have to look at your business model.''

Once finished, it was hoped the new cinema would show more independent and arthouse films.

''It's something we have had move away from when we opened the other two theatres, so it will be nice to get back to that.''

Mr MacLeod said a lot of the success was due to his wife, Andrea Riley, who looked after the business while he was doing his duties as Queenstown Lakes District Council deputy mayor.

Sound and screen equipment had already been purchased and was making its way to Wanaka from different parts of the world, including Japan and the United Kingdom.


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