Terrace Peak Developments has applied for resource consent to develop a 25-lot subdivision in Moraine Pl.
Matthew Keown, of Wellington, is the sole shareholder in Terrace Peak Developments. The sites adjoin the already sold-out 90-section Sentinel Park subdivision and the roading infrastructure of the two subdivisions could be linked.
Patterson Pitts planner Emily McDonald said in the resource consent application the environmental effects of the development would be be less than minor and she contended the application should be processed on a non-notified basis.
A road will also be developed and vested in the Queenstown Lakes District Council.
As property prices have climbed in Wanaka, outlying areas like Lake Hawea are seen as more affordable for people looking to build or buy a home in the Upper Clutha.
As well as the Sentinel Park subdivision, the Timsfield subdivision west of Lake Hawea township will have almost 290 new dwellings when all the sections are developed.
The QLDC says on its website it is waiting for ``further information'' on the Terrace Peak proposal.