Working party likely

A public transport service between Gore and Mataura will come a step closer next week when a working party is formed to advance the idea.

The Gore District Council, Mataura Community Board and others have been considering the concept for several months and looking at how it could work.

A meeting next week is expected to give them the authority to investigate the proposal.

A consultants' presentation on the issue was given in August and the idea has the support of elected officials as long as the most effective way of providing such a service is confirmed.

With that in mind, an item on the matter will be tabled by council chief executive Steve Parry at Tuesday's full council meeting.

In it, Mr Parry says the working party should include two councillors, two community board members, three members of the Mataura Taskforce group and a council staff member.

Its terms of reference will be two-fold:

• To critically examine the need for a community transport service between Gore and Mataura.

• If it is determined a service is warranted, to recommend what form of governance is needed.

Mataura is 13km south of Gore.

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