Water restrictions start as dry spell continues

Dry weather is placing strain on water supplies in the Clutha and Gore districts, prompting councils to introduce water restrictions.

The Clutha District Council is urging all residents to cut their water usage as the prolonged dry spell affects some supplies, particularly in the West Otago area, while the Gore District Council yesterday introduced a second level of water restrictions on the Gore and Mataura urban water supplies.

Clutha water services manager Hank Stocker said the district was experiencing one of its driest summers in recent memory. Less than 10mm of rain had fallen since the start of December, prompting the introduction of stage one restrictions last month.

Yesterday afternoon the Clutha River was flowing at 299cumecs, about half its average flow and a far cry from the flow of almost 1200cumecs during a spell of wet weather in October and November.

The Pomahaka River was also running low yesterday with 1.4cumecs at Leithen Glen, and 3.2cumecs downstream at Burkes Ford.

Yesterday afternoon the Mataura River was flowing at 11.6cumecs, down from 32cumecs on December 19.

A third wave of restrictions banning sprinklers will be introduced when the Mataura River drops below 11cumecs.



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