Upgrade of public library to be investigated

Wyndham Public Library. Photo: Google Maps
Wyndham Public Library. Photo: Google Maps
A Southland community board will investigate a potential upgrade of the Wyndham Public Library to enhance its use.

Last month, Waihopai Toetoe Community Board chairwoman Pam Yorke sought thoughts and ideas from the community about the asset.

She wanted to know whether the library was needed, what other things could be offered there and whether an upgraded facility would be supported.

Mrs Yorke told the Otago Daily Times she was happy with the feedback received and closing the library was "definitely" not on the cards.

"I wanted to see if [the community] had passion for it ... It is one of those things — it needs to be maintained. I got really good responses from a range of age groups, which is really exciting.

"So now I have no hesitation to investigate further."

The upgrade was a concept the board would be looking at, so it was still too early to do any projections or plans, Mrs Yorke said.

However, she believed the best course of action would be to modernise the library to enhance the experience as well as creating an interactive space for the community.

"The library is a very important and special place, especially for a rural community with an increasing elderly population. Many people use the computers and Wi-Fi there."

She would speak to the Southland District Council about the potential upgrade as she had no idea of the potential cost of the project, Mrs Yorke said.

Relocating the library to the old location at the Wyndham Hall was something the board would also be looking at, she said.

"We want to see if we can do it, see what the cost is, see what would be required.

"As a community board, you’ve got to have projects and you have to think in ways to better enhance our community."


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