Two impounded dogs not thought to be killers

Two dogs, one a Rottweiler and the other a German shepherd, were found wandering separately in South Invercargill yesterday and were impounded.

However, Invercargill City Council (ICC) environmental and compliance manager John Youngson says staff cannot prove they are the animals that killed two smaller dogs, chased a man and bit a woman in the city last week.

The dogs, both impounded in the Pomona St area, had different owners, who were being spoken to, he said.

"It is very hard to tell, but because of the size and colouring of these dogs we think these are unlikely to be the same dogs as those involved in the incidents last week.

"Therefore, those dogs are still out there and we assume we haven't solved the problem.''

Last week's incidents happened on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the suburbs of Richmond and Glengarry, several kilometres away from Pomona St.

Mr Youngson said another serious incident on Saturday also had animal control staff concerned. A cat was mauled and killed in Paterson St, in the suburb of Grasmere, by a pitbull that rushed from a property.

The unregistered dog was surrendered to the ICC, he said.

Mr Youngson said the incidents were worrying.

"All has been very quiet for months, until a spate in the past week ... and we don't know why.''

Animal control staff and after-hours contractors carried out extra patrols over the weekend and were ready to go out again at any time if wandering dogs were seen on the streets, he said.

"We still need the public's help. If anyone sees a wandering dog, they should ring us immediately.''

Invercargill City Council, 211-1777 (8am-5pm), 211-1679 (after hours).

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