Talks on ICC pay plan continuing

Clare Hadley.
Clare Hadley.
Discussions  between the Public Service Association and the Invercargill City Council will continue today regarding the planned reduction of pay for ICC employees unable to work fulltime during Alert Level 3.

PSA national secretary Glenn Barclay said there were "frank and detailed discussions" yesterday afternoon.

"These talks will continue... so at this point it is premature to share details.

"The best scenario for all concerned is if council staff are paid properly, and we would all prefer this positive outcome is achieved through constructive talks instead of any other means."

ICC staff were informed in an internal newsletter last month that staff working fulltime were to receive 100% pay and those working part-time 75%, while those unable to work would receive only 50% of their wages.

Employees were advised they could make up their wage shortfall by using annual leave.

ICC chief executive Clare Hadley could not be reached for comment yesterday.

She said last week the ICC executive leadership team had taken steps to ensure the council could continue to employ all staff, despite not being eligible for the Government’s wage subsidy scheme.

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