Sunshine for start of croquet season

Queen’s Park Croquet Club life member Wendy Baker (88) rang in the 2022 season with the first hit...
Queen’s Park Croquet Club life member Wendy Baker (88) rang in the 2022 season with the first hit on Saturday afternoon. PHOTO: BEN TOMSETT
The Queens Park Croquet Club was blessed with blue skies and sunshine to usher in the 2022 season on Saturday afternoon.

Thirty-five club members were on hand for the opening day, life member Wendy Baker having the honour of first hit.

Mrs Baker began playing for the croquet with the club in the 1960s, and stuck with it through the club’s pivot to golf croquet several years ago despite her slight favouritism for the association form of the sport.

"But it’s all good because it’s a good game," she said.

"As long as the sun’s out."

The Queen’s Park Croquet Club is Invercargill’s sole club for the queen of games. Club days are Tuesdays and Saturdays.

A plan is in place for have-a-go evenings on Mondays to start soon.

During the winter off-season, the club took the opportunity to have its lawns resown in preparation for hosting the Southland tournament in January.

Ben Tomsett



