Southland man admits to violating three girls

A 41-year-old man who sexually assaulted three girls aged between seven and 11 years pleaded guilty to four representative charges in the Invercargill District Court today.

The Southland man who has interim name suppression, had pleaded guilty to six other charges at a previous appearance including sexual connection and indecently assaulting a girl under 12 years.

Yesterday he admitted two charges of sexual violation and two of doing an indecent act on girls aged under 12.

The summary of facts says the offending happened between July 2010 and December 2013 and would often involve one or more of the girls at the same time.

He would photograph and video his offending against the girls which police used to gain evidence of his acts.

When arrested by police, the man denied the offending.

“In explanation the defendant stated that he never sexually assaulted any of the victims but admitted that they stayed at his home at various times,” the summary says.

Judge Russell Walker remanded the man in custody to appear for sentence on April 29.

- by Karen Pasco, Open Justice reporter

