It should be known by late today, whether a Southland Girls' High School (SGHS) pupil whose father has tested positive for Covid-19, also has the disease.
In a letter from Southern District Health Board medical officer of health Susan Jack, sent to SGHS parents yesterday, it says the pupil ''is also being tested as a precaution and is with her family is in self isolation''.
''If the test result is positive, health authorities will be asking the school to close for at least 48 hours while close contacts are traced and put in self-isolation.
''Casual contacts will also be given advice about what to do if they become unwell.''
It said test results would be known by late afternoon today.
The school was cleaned yesterday evening in line with Ministry of Health guidelines, the letter says.
''We appreciate that this is unsettling, however be assured we are managing this situation carefully.''
The school was working with both education staff and public health officials.
''We have already started contact tracing to identify individuals who may have come into close contact with the parent.''