The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) is designing a new path for SH1 at Edendale, taking the road away from homes and the school on to a new, safer route behind the Fonterra plant.
NZTA project manager Jason Forbes said two proposals were presented to the public for feedback at an open day last year and the preferred design addressed issues with varying speed limits, road layout, railway crossings and sidings and heavy vehicles travelling through the township.
"The preferred option for addressing these issues is to realign State Highway 1 to the northwest of Edendale, with a roundabout close to the southern end of the new route."
Consultation with the public showed strong support for the option, which would allow traffic from the north to make a left turn off the new alignment on to the Pioneer Highway "in much the same way as drivers do now".
"It is this design that has been progressed into the detailed de-sign stage where stormwater, pavements [and] landscaping will be developed," Mr Forbes said.
The NZTA intended to lodge consent applications later this month, and it was hoped construction would start late this year.