A sex offender will be under Corrections supervision for a decade because of his high risk of reoffending, following his release from Invercargill Prison next month.
Gustafoham Harris is due to be released on May 17, following a three-year jail term, after he was found guilty of indecent acts on two children and assaulting one of them in Christchurch.
The Department of Corrections made an application for supervision because of his high-risk status and a hearing on the matter was held in the High Court at Invercargill yesterday.
Justice Timothy Brewer made a 10-year extended supervision order as well as one year of intensive monitoring, which means Harris will be monitored 24 hours a day.
The length of supervision and monitoring were the maximum periods allowed by law.
Defence counsel Don Matthews did not opposes the order and highlighted the good behaviour of his client while in prison.
Justice Brewer said it was the ‘‘appropriate and responsible’’ option to put Harris under supervision to protect members of the community.
‘‘I consider he has a high risk to commit sexual offending in the future,’’ he said.
On two different occasions, in 2017 and 2018, Harris performed an indecent act in front of the two children in public places .
He was deported from Australia in 2016 for other sexual offending and had previous convictions.