Roads remain closed after flooding

Four roads around West Otago reopened yesterday, leaving three closed, as floodwaters began to recede while rivers further downstream grew, flooding roads and fields and closing roads.

The lower Pomahaka River at Burkes Ford peaked at 565cumecs at 7.45am yesterday after more than 86mm of rain fell in its headwaters.

The river level was dropping but remained in flood last night.

The lower Clutha River was at 1065cumecs by yesterday evening, resulting in some fields alongside the river to be flooded, but levels did not trigger flood warnings.

Table Hill Rd and Bruce Rd near Milton had surface flooding, and Akatore Rd near Taieri Mouth reopened yesterday afternoon, with the Clutha District Council advising motorists to take care and drive to the conditions.

Two Northern Southland roads were also closed yesterday morning because of flooding.

District councils are urging drivers to take care throughout the Clutha and Southland areas because of flooding.




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