Rainbow crossing proudly painted

ILT Stadium Southland managers (from left) Jordan Skelt, Joz Shepard and Lilly Griffin stand on...
ILT Stadium Southland managers (from left) Jordan Skelt, Joz Shepard and Lilly Griffin stand on the newly painted rainbow crossing outside the stadium showing support to the LGBTQI+ community. PHOTO: LUISA GIRAO
Invercargill now has its own symbol to show the city’s commitment to diversity.

A rainbow crossing has been painted outside the ILT Stadium.

The idea came after stadium staff discussed ways to make the facility more welcoming for the rainbow community, in light of pride month, celebrated in February.

It took about a week for the plan to became reality and ILT managers Jordan Skelt, Joz Shepard and Lilly Griffin spent a day painting the colours in the crossing between the stadium and Surrey Park.

"Everybody was on board with the idea. It was mainly about embracing the diversity of sexual and gender identities and show how we accept and value all people in our community," Ms Shepard said.

Ms Skelt said the facility was working towards a Rainbow Tick certification which was about accepting and valuing people in the workplace, embracing the diversity of sexual and gender identities.

She said a supportive work environment that was accepting of peoples’ differences benefits everybody and the feedback from the community had been great.

"Our social media Facebook post [about the crossing] has reached over 10,000 over the weekend which is pretty cool and we got really nice messages from the rainbow community.

"We are hoping many people come by and show support to the LGBTQI+ community."



