The 2011 Bluff Oyster and Food Festival drew thousands of oyster aficionados to the festival by the old Bluff town wharf on Saturday.
More than 30,000 Bluff oysters were consumed during the day, festival spokesman Lindsay Beer said yesterday.
"It's the Bluff oyster. People just love the Bluff oyster," he said.
"More than 60% of people who come to the festival always come from outside Southland. "It was as popular as always. We're looking at a capacity crowd of about 5000 again, which is our absolute limit," Mr Beer said.
The festival was attended by Prime Minister John Key, with entertainment from musician Greg Johnson.
Bluff oysterman Keith Lovett bettered his New Zealand oyster-opening record, powering through 50 oysters in 2min 24sec, beating his previous best time by three seconds.
The open and eat section was won by Keith Gillies, of Milton, who narrowly beat his wife, Sarah, in the final.