Modifications have been made to the proposed changes for the Te Anau basin in the Southland District Council plan, SDC resource management planner David Falconer said.
The modifications were made by the department after the council received 244 responses to the Te Anau plan change discussion document, which was sent to all residents and ratepayers for feedback.
While the Te Anau Community Board accepted the majority of the recommendations, it did not decide to proceed with the proposed commercial resource area - to which owners of residential homes in the area had expressed "strong opposition".
The most controversial proposal in the discussion document - extending the scenic resource area - was also modified because of the feedback received.
Staff had recommended, and the board agreed, to reconsider the extent and location of the additional land proposed to be included in the scenic resource area.
"This proposal in the discussion document had received very strong opposition and so we recommended that it be refined further in consultation with the landscape consultant and that it be targeted more to key landscape features," he said.
The community board also agreed to:
• Proceed with the proposed industrial resource area expansion.
• Proceed with expanding the urban resource area, but not as much as originally proposed in the discussion document - the expansion will not go south of State Highway 94.
• Proceed with the lakeside protection area and to expand the area from the control gates to the Upukerora River mouth.
• Not proceed with rezoning the Waiau Airport from scenic to transitional, but to zone the area south of State Highway 94 as transitional-urban in the discussion document.
Mr Falconer said staff would now write a report, a requirement under the Resource Management Act 1991, which considered the alternatives, benefits and costs of undertaking the plan change.