Invercargill ram-raider recorded crime on phone

The three men responsible for the ram-raid at Found My Way in Invercargill were sentenced in the Invercargill District Court yesterday.

Kade Pearsey (18), Sidney Chalmers (18) and a 24-year-old man, who was granted name suppression, appeared for sentence before Judge Bernadette Farnan, jointly charged with the burglary of Found My Way and the attempted burglary of True Grit on August 15.

Chalmers was also sentenced on four charges of theft of a motor vehicle, one charge of attempting to steal a motor vehicle and charges of attempted ram-raid of NZ Safety (attempted burglary), demanding with menace and attempting to convert a vehicle.

The offending occurred in Invercargill between August 14 and 22.

Pearsey and the 24-year-old were also each charged with theft from Rebel Sport in Invercargill on August 8.

Yesterday, Judge Farnan described how after he stole a Mazda Demio, Chalmers went and collected the other two men.

They drove to True Grit, where the 24-year-old kept watch on the street and Chalmers sat waiting in the car.

Pearsey attempted to enter the building by smashing the window with a hammer. He failed to gain entry and the three fled when a car drove by.

They then travelled in the stolen car to Found My Way at Windsor in Invercargill. After Chalmers reversed twice into the shop, breaking the front window, the 24-year-old and Pearsey went into the store.

A glass display case was broken with a hammer and a large quantity of jewellery valued at almost $9000 was taken.

Chalmers recorded the burglary of Found My Way on his cellphone.

They fled the scene.

It was Chalmers and another man who on August 18 then tried to ram-raid NZ Safety. They were unsuccessful in gaining entry to the building. Chalmers then drove his co-offender to the Centre St dairy, where the co-offender attempted to rob the dairy armed with a tomahawk.

Yesterday Justice Farnan said the ram-raid of Found My Way and attempted break-in of True Grit while pre-meditated were not sophisticated.

Judge Farnan said Chalmers’ offending related directly to his methamphetamine addiction and the need to fund his habit.

The 24-year-old man, who had 19 previous convictions, 15 for crimes against property, was sentenced to 20 months’ jail with leave to apply for home detention and ordered to pay reparation of $843.74.

Pearsey was sentenced to nine months’ home detention with judicial monitoring and ordered to pay $843.76.

Chalmers was sentenced to 11 months’ home detention with judicial monitoring and ordered to pay reparation of $2433.79. He was also disqualified from driving for nine months.


