Re-elected Mayor Sir Tim Shadbolt and the 12 councillors had their inaugural meeting yesterday at the Murihiku marae.
Family, friends, and members of the public attended the meeting for the official swearing in of the mayor and councillors.
Sir Tim said it was an opportunity to show the community councillors left all election and past dramas behind and were ready to start something new.
''This meeting is symbolic of the unity we want to achieve. There is a lot of fracture, beliefs and different politics ... but we need to work together as a team to solve the challenges ahead of us.''
Deputy Mayor Toni Biddle, who is Maori, said she suggested to her fellow councillors the meeting be at the marae because it showed iwi that the council valued their relationship.
She was emotional when iwi asked her to use its korowai during the powhiri.
''It is quite significant request. I felt really honoured.''
Invercargill Ngai Tahu kaumatua Michael Skerrett welcomed everyone at the marae and said it was ''not before time'' that the council had accepted the invitation.
It was really extraordinary to have everyone there for the inaugural meeting of the new council.
Councillors had the opportunity to air their views and goals in their inaugural speeches.
The city block redevelopment, the Southland Museum and SIT were hot topics.
Sir Tim agreed it was a crucial time for the council and said it needed to make the hard decisions.
He also said Invercargill was the only council in New Zealand to have its first new-term meeting at a marae.
''It is very especial. We are celebrating our success and the new beginning for people in this region.''