Inaugural Annual Southland Cheese Roll being held

It will be no rolls barred in Bluff next month when the inaugural Annual Southland Cheese Roll fundraiser comes to town.

Participants must build a contraption that can roll a 1kg block of cheese down a hill, the winner being the fastest block to reach the bottom.

Money raised from the event will go towards New Zealand Red Cross.

There are three categories — "Babybels", for those 16 years old or under, "Mature" for those 16 or over and "Platters" for teams.

New Zealand Red Cross senior community fundraising co-ordinator Heather Locke said the event was unique to Southland.

People could enter via the New Zealand Red Cross Facebook page or website, she said.

"We hope to see kids interested in science, uni students, corporate teams, healthy rivalries, cheesy trash talk and general shenanigans on the day."

It will be held in Lee St, Bluff, on February 16 from 11am to 2pm.

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