Highlanders captain barber in name of good cause

Highlanders team captain Aaron Smith cuts Winton boy Joshua Frazer’s hair at the Bloke Barber in...
Highlanders team captain Aaron Smith cuts Winton boy Joshua Frazer’s hair at the Bloke Barber in Dunedin, at the weekend.PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
Not many people can say they got their hair cut by the Highlanders captain — Winton’s Joshua Frazer is an exception.

The 6-year-old gathered with his family members at Bloke Barber in Dunedin to get his hair cut by Aaron Smith earlier this month.

His father, Southland District councillor Darren Frazer, said the youngster had come up with the idea to grow out his hair and raise funds for the Cancer Society, after a neighbour died from the disease.

His fundraising page gave some background: "Our neighbour Bernie died from cancer. She was a great neighbour, and we saw her almost every day out in her garden. I miss her."

Although they had not measured the length of his hair before the cut it was "well and truly" past 35cm. which was the length needed to make a wig, Mr Frazer said.

"It was pretty awesome to have someone like Aaron cutting his hair and Josh was a happy boy with his new haircut, and a big smile on his face.

Joshua Frazer smiles with his new haircut alongside Highlanders team captain Aaron Smith.
Joshua Frazer smiles with his new haircut alongside Highlanders team captain Aaron Smith.
The youngster raised more than $6150 for the Cancer Society. Monetary contributions had come from throughout the country and from overseas, he said.

"We just want to say a huge thanks to people for supporting a good cause and for supporting Josh, and teaching him that what he can do can really make a difference."

Mr Frazer also acknowledged the support of the Highlanders team who were there on the day.

"Aaron and the team were amazing."

Smith said it was a pleasure to cut Joshua’s hair.

“He’s such a cool kid who has raised an impressive amount of money for cancer — he’s done more for cancer than most adults do and that’s something we can all learn from.

"I’m just happy to be able to provide him with a little reward for doing such a selfless thing."



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