Group seeks reversal of abortion decision

Board members and staff listen as Southlanders for Life chairman Dr Norman MacLean voices...
Board members and staff listen as Southlanders for Life chairman Dr Norman MacLean voices opposition to abortions being carried out at Southland Hospital. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Southland anti-abortion campaigners presented an unusual sight at yesterday's Southern District Health Board meeting - a full public gallery.

More than 30 people representing Southlanders for Life formed a quiet, dignified delegation to the board meeting at Wakari Hospital in Dunedin.

The lobby group seeks a reversal of a decision to start an abortion service at Southland Hospital.

Group chairman Dr Norman MacLean told board members there was no need for Southland Hospital to provide the service, which women could continue to access at Dunedin Hospital.

It was normal for DHBs to have such arrangements, and he did not see any reason for change.

Dr MacLean pointed out abortion rates nationwide were falling, so extending abortion services did not make sense.

He said he understood board members were between a "rock and a hard place" as they had not been directly consulted. However, he appealed to them to step in and reverse the management decision.

Campaigner Patricia Conradson told board members the issue had stirred strong feelings in Southland.

More than 400 people attended a march, more than 200 a public meeting, and more than 2000 people signed the petition, she said.

Acting board chairman Paul Menzies thanked the delegation for members' "respectful" attitude.

The delegation filed out after presenting the petition.

Later, member Kaye Crowther raised the issue, saying it had caused a "concerning month" in Southland.

She asked management why the service needed to be provided in Invercargill.

Mr Menzies said it was not appropriate to debate the issue, but members would consider the delegation's view.



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