No cause has yet been determined for an early morning fierce fire which badly damaged a double garage in Gore.
Volunteer firefighters were called to the Robertson St property at 3.02am today.
A Fire and Emergency New Zealand spokesman said they fought the blaze using breathing apparatus and two fire appliances from Gore, and another two from Mataura, but the 54sq m building was "well involved'' when they arrived.
Firefighters remained at the scene for about two hours, and no other buildings were damaged.
No details were immediately available about what was in the garage.
The fire had been referred to police but was not viewed as suspicious, and a fire safety investigation completed this morning had not determined the cause of the blaze, the spokesman said.
A police spokeswoman said officers had mounted a scene guard after the fire, until the fire safety investigation could be undertaken, and some more police work was being done.
Further details were not immediately available, she added.