The Invercargill City Council is investigating introducing electric buses and services on Sundays.
The recommendation came following hearings on the proposed regional public transport plan earlier this week.
A panel made up by Councillors Darren Ludlow, Ian Pottinger and Nigel Skelt discussed the submissions of 28 people plus informal comments.
The submissions covered a range of issues, including frequency of service, an extended timetable, the installation of bus shelters and additional routes.
Submitter Stephen Aldridge said Otatara had fallen off the transport map, and Bluff should have a bus service added as soon as possible.
He also highlighted bus user numbers were declining and said the plan did not address this.
After Cr Skelt asked for suggestions, he suggested making the CBD "passenger transport only’"and making taking the bus free for students.
Hayden Scott-Chambers wanted the plan changed to extend hours during the week and have services run on Sundays.
The current plan has services on Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm, and Saturday from 10am and 3pm.
Cr Pottinger agreed having buses run on Sundays could be a good idea, specially with the city block development set to open next year.
Council roading manager Russell Pearson said the aim of the plan was to simplify the Invercargill bus network, improve travel times and give more people access to key destinations.
The plan also included implementing an Invercargill terminus and investigating low-emission vehicles, alternative fuels and other technologies.
The trio of councillors recommended the adoption of the plan and added some suggestions, including a 6-month trial service on Sundays and the investigation to convert the fleet to electric buses.