A significant amount of duck carcasses have been found in recycling bins across the South, forcing all rubbish to be dumped in landfill.
The Southland District Council posted on its Facebook page today, saying the carcasses were found in recycling bins from parts of Western Southland through to Manapouri, and told Southlanders they could do better:
Southland Mayor Gary Tong said it was "disappointing" and compromised workers on the other end.
"It is just amazing what people think is acceptable really ... this certainly is not acceptable."
Mr Tong said it was a risk for the Southland disAbility Enterprises team who sort through the collected recycling.
"This is a process that uses manual labour, so you just have to draw a line and say, the rest of that is going to landfill."
The post said it was "disgusting" and that putting incorrect items in the yellow bins would cost people.
"Five trucks of bad recycling costs ratepayers an extra $5000."