Committee structure debated

New Mayor Ben Bell had initially selected Stewart MacDonell as his deputy. Photo: Supplied /...
Ben Bell. Photo: ODT files
A highly debated new committee structure is still yet to be finalised by the Gore District Council, despite the first meetings being just around the corner.

Council and committee terms of reference were discussed at a full council meeting on Tuesday, where it was decided councillors would sit on two of the four established committees.

Committee members would be decided before the first meetings next Tuesday.

Mayor Ben Bell had initially proposed a six-committee structure with five portfolios in November, but following a closed-door workshop among councillors, a four-committee structure was approved at a full council meeting in December.

It was agreed at the time that the committees would have no power to act but could make recommendations to the council and that all councillors would sit on every committee.

However, Mr Bell said he had an issue with this at Tuesday’s meeting.

"What’s the point in having committees without any powers if we’re all sitting around those committees? It seems pointless to put a recommendation to the same people."

He also highlighted that most councillors had full-time jobs.

"There will be a bit of public scrutiny and possibly media around missing consecutive meetings and things like that.

"It’s really out of protection for those members. There’s quite a few meetings coming up."

He suggested councillors have the option to each step off at least one committee "where they had the least knowledge and experience".

Council chief executive Stephen Parry said the committee membership needed to be finalised soon.

"The committee agendas are being assembled as we speak, but we need to know who to send the agendas to.

"Maybe you could look at a committee structure of eight members."

Cr Bret Highsted supported Mr Parry’s suggestion and Mr Bell agreed.

"I think eight is a good number," Mr Bell said.

"It means everybody’s on two committees and everybody’s left off two committees, which would be fair."

Councillors unanimously approved the eight-member committee structure, with membership to be decided before Tuesday at an extraordinary council meeting.

