When Otatara resident Derek Gostelow died last year, he gave $90,000 to Invercargill City Council (ICC) on the condition the money be spent on community projects within the Otatara area and community.
Following consultation in February, it was recommended to council the money go toward one significant project.
Mr Gostelow’s lawyer told council staff the Gostelows spent a lot of time exploring on foot and walking the bush tracks in the Otatara area.
"When he spent time walking around Otatara I know he looked for and spent time sitting on seats he could find as he would walk for miles."
Improvements for the park would include features such as a barbecue, seating, tables, increased landscaping and signage.
Interim parks manager Michele Frey said officials had thought long and hard about where the money should be spent.
"I do believe that one significant project would maximise the $90,000 ... and therefore give it more significance."
Cr Nobby Clark did not agree and said community suggestions listed the barbecue as a low priority.
However, Cr Lesley Soper said she was concerned when she saw suggestions of money going toward specific trusts and that it was obvious to her, from a legal perspective, that if Mr Gostelow had wanted that it would have been written into the will.
The idea of a project at Fosbender Park could be developed beyond what was discussed, for example added walking tracks.
During the committee of council meeting held via zoom on Monday, Crs Allan Arnold, Lindsay Abbott and Clark requested their votes be recorded as being opposed to the recommendation.