Alleged murderer granted interim name suppression

The name of the man who allegedly murdered Chad Parekura will stay suppressed at least until a possible appeal has been heard.

Yesterday Justice Gerald Nation released a reserved decision in which he lifted name suppression of the 26-year-old man accused of killing Mr Parekura and the attempted stabbing of another man on April 23.

However, he granted interim name suppression so the man’s counsel could pursue an appeal.

The decision came after a suppression hearing held before Justice Nation in the High Court at Invercargill on Tuesday last week.

The decision, which was redacted except for two paragraphs, stated there was certain information in newspaper reports and on social media that was "not consistent with the Crown’s case".

"Despite this, I was confident there would be no risk to the defendant’s fair trial rights because of the way those on a jury will be required to reach a verdict only on the evidence presented at trial, and put out of their minds anything they might have heard or read outside the trial," Justice Nation said.

Jurors would also be reminded a defendant came to trial with a presumption of innocence and the Crown had to prove all essential elements beyond reasonable doubt, he said.

