Wild horse case progresses

A herd of the wild horses roams the hills behind Kaitangata.
A herd of the wild horses roams the hills behind Kaitangata. Photo: ODT files
Police are making progress in an investigation into an incident of animal cruelty in which a wild horse was allegedly run down by a ute near Kaitangata.

Locals were outraged at the incident in which a young wild horse was killed after it sustained serious injuries in an apparent instance of deliberate animal cruelty.

Dunedin resident Kelly Clapperton originally told the Otago Daily Times she was aware one of the wild horses known to live in commercial forestry land near Kaitangata was allegedly hit by a utility vehicle driven by a local person.

The horse received injuries to its back legs so severe it had to be put down as there was no way to save it.

Senior Constable Robin Hutton, of Balclutha, confirmed police had since received complaints relating to the alleged deliberate act of animal cruelty and were making positive progress into the investigation.

A vehicle understood to be involved in the incident had been located and examined, Snr Const Hutton said.

Police had spoken to several Kaitangata residents about the incident and they were very forthcoming with their information.

``We've got some positive lines of inquiry and the investigation is advancing favourably.''

Snr Const Hutton said police would be speaking to the person allegedly involved in the incident sometime in the future.

Mrs Clapperton originally said it was an ``absolutely disgusting'' example of animal cruelty ``at its worst''.

The horses typically live a peaceful existence in the back hills of Kaitangata.

It is believed there is a herd of 15 to 20 horses and several other smaller groups in the area.



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