Walking netball offers socialising, exercise

Walking netballers pass the ball down the court in a game last week in Balclutha.PHOTOS: EVELYN...
Walking netballers pass the ball down the court in a game last week in Balclutha.PHOTOS: EVELYN THORN
Walking netball brings fun, laughs and even lunch after the game is over.

Women around South Otago meet at the Cross Recreation Centre in Balclutha every Wednesday at 12.30pm for a bit of fun on the netball courts.

They play an hour of netball — but the rule is you can only walk on the court.

You cannot jump either, so it is a matter of patience and fast walking around opponent players to get to the ball.

It seems easy, but once you are out on the court it is harder than you realise.

Walking netballers watch to see if they can get the ball in the hoop.
Walking netballers watch to see if they can get the ball in the hoop.
They do not keep score to keep it light-hearted and fun.

The women have a lot of laughs on the court, and after it is over they go out for lunch at a different cafe in the area.

They say anyone can come along and play, young or old, as it is just an extra way to get some exercise and socialise.

They play all year round and happily accept extra players.

People do not have to make contact in advance.

Instead just come along and let them know you are there to play, too.