Vote for the Kaka Point boat, life-savers ask

Kaka Point Surf Life Saving Club girls' inflatable rescue boat (IRB) crew (from left) Keely Hill and Briana Dent (both 16), and Isla Hastie and Maia Pryde (both 15) are canvassing online votes this week to win a new, $25,000 IRB for their club.

Club secretary Trudy Hastie said "clubbies" and friends had "gone nuts" in an effort to win the prize from Surf Life Saving NZ sponsor BP, after discovering on Friday Kaka Point was the only South Island club among four "Vote the Boat" finalists nationwide.

"Our push has gone worldwide through social media, and we'd love for Otago beach lovers everywhere to get behind us."

She said at present the club's two existing IRBs were in "heavy demand" for both beach duty and search and rescue callouts, meaning a third boat would improve crews' ability to respond and save lives.

Supporters could cast a new vote each day until November 8, at

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