Safety issues had plagued the George St exit to an unnamed service lane that runs parallel to Balclutha’s Clyde St, leading the Clutha District Council to launch trial safety measures in October 2021.
The lane serves several large businesses and their delivery trucks, but is also used by shoppers to access parking and public toilets.
A review in February this year led to additional signage being put in place, after initial measures were deemed ineffective.
In a report to the council’s service delivery committee meeting last week, transport and facilities operations manager Henri van Zyl said the adjustments had proven effective in improving safety at the exiting intersection.
"Local businesses have been consulted on the work that was done, and the overall feedback is positive of the one-lane section. The feedback was also appreciative of our response to the original need for pedestrian and vehicle safety and limiting the interactions between these two modes," he said.
Cr Bruce Graham, chairing the meeting, said anecdotal evidence suggested people were abiding by the new rules, reducing the cross flow of traffic.
Cr Ken Payne said he had also received positive feedback from the businesses affected.
The lane will act as an access way to new public toilets being built about half-way along their length.
Mr van Zyl said signage directing the public to new diagonal parking behind the toilets would be put in place.
Four parks had been built.
Access to the service lane and toilets is via Elizabeth St.