Clutha's top council job is attracting strong interest, with more than 30 applications for the role of chief executive.
Former Clutha District Council chief executive Charles Hakkaart resigned in October and finished on January 10 after 24 years at the council.
He had served as chief executive for eight and a-half years.
Applications for the position closed on Sunday. More than 30 were received, Clutha Mayor Bryan Cadogan said.
''We are very happy with the number and calibre of the applicants.''
This week, the committee responsible for hiring a new chief executive and the recruitment agency would be creating an interview shortlist.
Mr Cadogan hoped to announce the new chief executive at the end of the month.
''We will have a robust interview process. It is time for the appointment to be made ... it's been quite a few months now.''
Council corporate services manager Alan Dickson has been acting chief executive since Mr Hakkaart finished last month.
Last year the council commissioned former Napier City Council chief executive Neil Taylor to conduct an independent gap analysis.
The report outlined where the council was now, where it was heading and what skills the new chief executive would need, Mr Cadogan said.