Shovellers turn the tide on Southend in clash

Get your wheelbarrow out and ready the seed potatoes; the Clutha Shovellers are on the rampage!

Also known as the Andrew Haulage Balclutha Senior Men, the Shovellers have been unburying some football to treasure this season.

In wet weather and muddy pitch, the conditions were perfect for the team to display the excellent passing football they’ve been playing this season, shovelling the ball around like they were spending an afternoon in the garden.

Southend were aiming to be the stone in the dirt, having won the previous two encounters.

Oliver Wakelin and James Hayward made some storming runs up the pitch and were rewarded with a goal each.

There could have been a few more with some good chances missed, some former rugby players going for the three points over the crossbar instead of under it.

The evergreen Marty McFly Hayward made some well-timed interventions coming out from his goal line but dug a hole for himself by knocking one in off a hard low cross for an own goal.

Super sub Daniel Morris banged in a cross and tried to claim a goal when it was deflected in by the unlucky Southend defender, but we’ll put that one down as an own goal.

Final score 3-1 to Balclutha and player of the day to Matthew Morahan for weeding out the Southend attacks that managed to break through.

A big thank you to Chris Wakelin who had an excellent game with the whistle, letting it flow with advantage played but pulling us up when required and keeping Mad Dog on a short leash.

He did well to ignore the vocal cheerleaders on the sideline and even noticed when the Southend striker went down in a screaming heap clutching his leg where he had been kicked by a ghost.

By Matthew Morahan