Service award for Kai fire officer

Retired CFO Kevin Sutton received one of this years Community Service awards after 28 years with...
Retired CFO Kevin Sutton received one of this years Community Service awards after 28 years with Kaitangata Fire Brigade. PHOTO: NICK BROOK
Former chief fire officer (CFO) Kevin Sutton was praised in this year’s council community service awards for his contributions to Kaitangata, particularly through extensive service with the volunteer fire brigade.

"Kevin Sutton’s unwavering commitment and diverse contributions to the Kaitangata community make him a deserving recipient of the Clutha Community Service Award in the individual category," a council spokesperson said.

Mr Sutton joined the brigade in its 75th year in 1986 and by 2011’s centennial celebrations, he had been recognised as a life member and awarded gold star, long service, and good conduct medals.

His leadership roles included deputy fire officer from 1999 to 2006, and chief fire officer from 2006 until his retirement in 2024.

Despite stepping down, he remains an active member as the brigade’s station officer.

Under CFO Sutton’s leadership, the Kaitangata brigade’s role expanded beyond fire, traffic, flood and civil defence emergencies to become medical first responders in 2017.

He prioritised firefighter training and upskilling and building the safety and wellbeing of the community through fire education and event management.

He also promoted the Kaitangata brigade’s competition running team in competitive fire fighting games at regional, national and international levels.

Mr Sutton was also on active operations with the Balclutha Fire Brigade for about 30 years and continues to work with their antique fire fighting equipment society

He remains an active member of Kaitangata’s Crescent Rugby Club, attending training sessions and more than 200 games as the premier team medic.

"I’m fortunate in whatever I’ve been able to do for the community is just something I’ve always enjoyed," he said.

"The teams I’ve been part of are like a family and as far as I’m concerned, I’m collecting the award on behalf of them, and my own family and employers, whose support has made what I’ve done possible."