Designed by the district’s young people as part of a high school competition in November last year, the first of the new billboards was mounted at the Essex St park in Balclutha recently.
Overseeing the installation was Clutha District Council road safety co-ordinator Rachel Harrison, who ran the competition in partnership with Balclutha Police.
Mrs Harrison said the number and quality of entries reflected a "strong" degree of engagement with road safety among the district’s youth.
"We had several awesome entries, and have narrowed those down to five designs, which will go up at six locations across Clutha. One will be used twice.
"This is a critical time for many students as they enter the world of learner driving and licensing for the first time, and it’s fantastic to see they’re so strongly engaged with some of the key issues.
"There’s quite a level of skill out there in delivering a powerful message."
Balclutha’s new sign, designed by South Otago High School (SOHS) pupils Bonnie Shaw, Jessica Hollows and Fraser McAtamney (all 15), says "Seat Belts Save Souls".
Other messages are "Tired. Stop. Rest." by Nathan Findlater (14), of SOHS; "Stay alive, think, drive" by Amelia Patterson (12) and William Swanson (14), of Lawrence Area School; "Don’t snap and drive" by Bronte Williams and Ebony Cooper (both 14), of The Catlins Area School (TCAS); and "Take care, buckle your belt" by TCAS pupils Lauren Grant (16) and Dannielle Mason (14).
Winners received prize packs donated by local businesses.
Mrs Harrison said the remaining billboards would be erected as soon as circumstances allowed.