Progress on pool pleases despite budget overruns

West Otago Swimming Pool management committee chairman Murray Harris is delighted with progress...
West Otago Swimming Pool management committee chairman Murray Harris is delighted with progress on Tapanui's new, $750,000 pool complex. PHOTO: RICHARD DAVISON
A new swimming pool for West Otago is racing ahead of schedule, but may exceed an already blown-out, revised budget.

Work on the $750,000 West Otago Swimming Pool in Tapanui began in April, and is projected to be complete ahead of its mid-November opening target.

West Otago Swimming Pool management committee chairman Murray Harris said he was delighted with the pace of progress on the new two-pool complex, despite unforeseen "contingencies" arising as building had proceeded.

Those included additional wheelchair access, pump relocation and rehousing, and repairs to the pool's main filter system.

Mr Harris said a final cost for additional elements was yet to be determined, but it was likely to push the price tag past the $777,237 announced in April, which itself was more than double the original 2014 project estimate of $360,000.

Despite a larger-than-expected cash injection of $135,000 from the Ministry of Education, on whose land the pool sits, that meant fundraising would continue for the time being, he said.

"We're certainly looking positive as far as budget goes, but we just want to ensure we're well covered as contingencies arise, and can provide a first-rate facility for the wider West Otago community."

At present, "trafficable" fibreglass safety roofing was being installed on the main pool building, and would soon be added to new framework on the learners' pool and expanded changing rooms.

The new complex would lose its paddling pool due to tighter health and safety regulations, but in future it would be developed into a "recreational" outdoor space, Mr Harris said.

A state-of-the-art keyless entry system was also planned, allowing usage statistics to be collated.

Mr Harris praised the community for its support of the project.

"After four years' fundraising it's very exciting to see work under way. You don't expect to be raising these sorts of sums over several years when you set out, so it's a huge credit to all involved."

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