In South Otago, the Filipino community pray and hope for the best.
Marvin Albarico, who has lived in South Otago for the past six years, said there were about 50 Filipino families in the wider Balclutha area, but his family was the only one from Leyte Island.
''Thankfully, my family is fine - they live on the other side of the island. Buildings have been damaged and trees uprooted but they are OK.''
Mr Albarico's sister-in-law, who lives in Southland, is, however, anxiously awaiting news of her family.
''She's very upset, anxious, and just hoping for good news. We are just hoping and praying that they are well.''
Mark Shore, who has a dairy farm near Clydevale, said his workers were unaffected, and had not heard of anyone with loved ones missing.