Opportunity for youngsters to develop artistic talents

Children from across the Clutha District are being offered the opportunity to explore and develop their artistic talents through the Lawrence Arts Academy, which was launched last night.

The programme includes classes on photography, singing, dancing and creative writing, which are free for children aged 13 to 18, having been funded by an anonymous benefactor.

Academy co-ordinator Anna Clayton-Smith said the aim was to foster artistic interests in young people from around the Clutha District, and provide them with the opportunity to network with like-minded young people.

"Across the board, it has been hard to get 13 to 18-year-olds to come along, which is a shame, because in a way they are the ones who would benefit most from this.

"There are some pretty top-quality courses, so it's a pretty good opportunity," Ms Clayton-Smith said.

Classes began a week ago, and boast tutors such as John Cosgrove, who worked as cameraman on the TV show The Amazing Race, and is running photography classes for adults, as well as children.

The programme will run until the end of January.

The benefactors of the academy would eventually like to see it funded and supported by the community.

Ms Clayton-Smith said there had already been good support from the local businesses and schools, which had donated the use of their premises for the academy's use.

Further information about the Lawrence Arts Academy programme and registration forms can be found on the academy's website www.laa.ac.nz.


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