New Queens event organiser excited to get stuck into it

South Otago A&P Show Queens event’s new organiser Liv Butler is looking forward to organising...
South Otago A&P Show Queens event’s new organiser Liv Butler is looking forward to organising this years’ event at the 158th annual South Otago A&P Show. PHOTO: EVELYN THORN
Empowering young women through character building is what the South Otago A&P Show Queens event’s new organiser Liv Butler aims to do.

The South Otago A&P Show Queens event has returned this year and Balclutha woman Liv Butler is taking the reins.

Entries opened last week.

Miss Butler competed in the event in 2022 and loved making new friends.

She had the opportunity passed on to her from former organiser Bayley Coates, who was the A&P Society’s new president after Bridget Lowry made the decision to step down.

"I’ve been planning ahead, and I am really excited," she said.

"There are going to be some of the same fantastic events from last year.

"There will be kayaking, the infamous whip cracking, horse riding, visiting members in the community, doing our fundraising night and more.

"There is also going to be new things in the mix, including reading stories to youngsters at the libraries.

"We have also made a tradition of bonding through socialising in Pounawea, which is something the girls have really enjoyed the last couple of years."

The event would go over six weeks.

The Queens would build up to the official Show Queens Competition Day on the last weekend of November, which was when show day was always held.

"This is not a competition by any means.

"It’s a way young women can build themselves up through things which they may never have done or been too scared to do.

"Trying new things is so important to building character, and that’s what I am trying to get these girls to do."

Women aged 18-25 in the South Otago area could enter.

"When I entered into the competition, I was relatively new to the area," Miss Butler said.

"For me it was more for friendships, which I made and have kept ever since I entered.

"I’m excited to be giving back to the community through a tradition which has been around for more than 50 years.

"The friendships you see grow out of this event are awesome and it’s so great to see people support the event time and time again."

People could enter via the South Otago A&P Show Queens Facebook page or email for further information.