New citizens welcomed

Photo by Helena de Reus.
Photo by Helena de Reus.
Five new citizens were welcomed to the Clutha district in Balclutha yesterday.

Each new citizen was presented with a kowhai tree, after swearing their allegiance to the Queen before a full Clutha District Council.

Outgoing council chief executive Charles Hakkaart presided over the ceremony with Clutha Mayor Bryan Cadogan, for the last time as Mr Hakkaart finishes with the council next month.

Pictured are (back from left) Mr Hakkaart, new citizens Heather Bell, Daniel Pretorius, wife Lydia Pretorius, Mr Cadogan, (front from left) Joshua (11) and Danielle (14) Pretorius.

Miss Bell is from Britain and lives in Hillend, while the Pretorius family is from South Africa and lives in Tapanui.

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