The Clutha District Council formally adopted its long-term plan yesterday and approved an overall rates increase for 2015-16 of 3.18%.
The plan represented ''quite a big structural change'' for the council, chief executive Steve Hill said, but he warned councillors they only had time for ''a very short breath''.
''We haven't finished - we've only just started. Implementation and review means a heck of a lot more work for everyone.''
Clutha Mayor Bryan Cadogan earlier said he had never seen ''so many directional changes'' in a council plan in his political career.
The district council approved the controversial ''same service, same charge'' policy in its long-term plan, meaning Clutha ratepayers will pay the same amount for water services right across the district.
The policy will be phased in over the next six years.
The district-wide uniform charge for urban water, sewerage and stormwater services will replace separate community charges for the three rates.
The Balclutha main street upgrade street-scaping project budget was increased up to a possible $3.2 million.
And the council approved the $2.63 million sealing of The Nuggets Rd in 2015-16 if the New Zealand Transport Agency chips in with its share of $1.6 million.
Mr Hill began work as chief executive on June 9 last year and with his appointment came a mandate for a new direction, he said.
Typically, a long-term plan would be prepared over two years, but this council had made ''brave decisions'' on ''interesting, contentious'' issues after only six months of preparation before consultation.
However, because of time restrictions in preparing the plan an extensive review would begin on July 1.
The council will begin a review of its reserves, community facilities and campgrounds on a community-by-community basis.
Yesterday, the council also adopted two official strategies, ''Living and Working in the Clutha District'' and the ''Clutha District Economic Development Strategy 2015'', as complementary programmes each with a brief to implement social infrastructure and economic goals.
Mr Cadogan applauded the chief executive, the council staff and the councillors for their ''enormous effort'' and the ''clear direction'' of the new plan.