Local Legends: Lee-Ann Michelle, Jess Michelle, Amy Senada

(From left) Lee-Ann Michelle, Jess Michelle and Amy Senada. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
(From left) Lee-Ann Michelle, Jess Michelle and Amy Senada. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Winners of the final Clutha Leader — Silver Fern Farms Local Legend fresh lamb leg roast for 2024 are the ladies of the Clutha Budget Advisory Service (CBAS), Lee-Ann Michelle, Jess Michelle and Amy Senada.

As well as financial mentoring, social service advocacy and food top-ups for struggling citizens, CBAS runs the Happy Feet school shoes programme and manages Balclutha Food Hub.

This means a mix of front-line work with people in need, and co-ordination of the many agencies and individuals who want to help their fellow Cluthans through the cost-of-living crisis.

Recent examples are the bumper harvest of last month’s Toot4Tucker food drive, the Round Table Giving Tree and marshalling emergency, ready-to-eat meals.

"It’s so kind to think of us for the Local Legend," Mrs Michelle said. "All going well, we’ll find time to sit down and enjoy it together, so this is one donation I hope we can keep for ourselves."

Keep sending your nomination names and contact details and why they deserve the prize to nick.brook@cluthaleader.co.nz