Organisers of the annual Greenfield Tavern's Valley Roar hunting and fishing competition gathered in Clydevale on Tuesday night to present the proceeds from the event, which was held from April 12 to 14.
Organiser Karen Mills, owner of the Greenfield Tavern, said the competition, in its second year, raised $6000.
The money was split between three groups - the Clutha Valley Volunteer Fire Brigade ($3000), Catlins Search and Rescue ($1500) and Clutha Search and Rescue ($1500). Ms Mills said all three groups offered valuable service to the community, and it was never known when they would be needed.
''They're all worthy causes, and it's a way for the community to say thank you.''
Clutha Valley Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief Fire Officer John Kee said the service was responding to ''more and more'' medical calls. The $3000 would be put towards buying a scoop stretcher and new defibrillator battery and patches.
Catlins Search and Rescue chairman Fraser Morris said the $1500 was an ''unbelievable donation'' and would help the group pay for an emergency trailer.
Mr Morris said the group was building the trailer to keep its equipment in one place, allowing it to mobilise quickly. So far the budget of $17,000 had been exceeded, and the group was very grateful for the $1500, he said.
Clutha Search and Rescue member Wayne Reichel said the money would be spent on upgrading older equipment.
The Valley Roar was first held last year, when the proceeds of $5000 were given to the Clutha Valley Recreation Centre.
This year, entries doubled to about 250, plus children and families.
The competition offered prizes for the best antlers and tusks, as well as heaviest red stag, heaviest fallow buck, heaviest pig and heaviest bag of all three.
She said more than 100 businesses and individuals sponsored the event, and most were keen to support the next competition, from April 11 to 13, next year.