Ministers Association treasurer Peter Ross said the number of people seeking assistance this year had more than doubled compared with last year.
In the past, the foodbank was giving out an average of five food parcels per week.
It was now averaging 12, Mr Ross said.
"Most people don't like asking for charity.
"People come to the food bank because they need to get food and they don't have the resources."
People are referred to the food bank by staff at the Balclutha Information Centre.
Information Centre spokeswoman Sophie McIntosh agreed the number of people they were referring to the food bank had increased, with different people asking for help almost daily.
"Last Monday there were eight, and the week before that there were eight [on Monday] as well.
"We started to wonder what was happening over the weekend."
Food bank volunteer Ella Kell said some food items had been donated over the Christmas period, but demand was very high and the food bank stocks were running low.
Food collected from the annual can-cruise and the community Christmas concerts and events represented the bulk of what was collected for the year, Mrs Kell said.