Hakkaart will reapply for job

Charles Hakkaart
Charles Hakkaart
Clutha District Council chief executive officer Charles Hakkaart intends reapplying for the position when his contract expires at the end of June.

The council advertised the position last Saturday, as it is required to do every five years, under the Local Government Act.

Mr Hakkaart became the CEO in April 2005 and said over the past five years he had enjoyed being able to do things in the organisation and community that have added value to the district.

He is a qualified engineer, and has worked for the council, first in the role of operations manager, then as district assets manager, since its formation in 1989.

He has lived in South Otago for more than 35 years, and his work at a local engineering business and his roles in council have given him an intimate knowledge of the Clutha district.

The chief executive's total remuneration package for the last financial year was $220,000.

Mr Hakkaart did not wish to comment yesterday on what the package involved.

The council services a population of about 18,000, employs 80 full-time equivalent staff and has an annual operating budget of almost $32 million.

Applications for the position close on May 21.


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