Drainage and the height of roads were two of the main issues raised at a meeting last night held to discuss managing Milton's flood risk.
More than 60 people attended the public meeting, at which the Otago Regional Council (ORC) and the Clutha District Council (CDC) launched their draft Milton 2060 flood risk management strategy.
The strategy was developed from a joint working party created by the ORC and the CDC in 2007 to study flooding in the area.
One resident asked if more culverts or drains could be placed in urban areas to reduce flooding. Clutha District Council chief executive Charles Hakkaart said the council had more "storm works" available to reduce some flooding but not to the extent of a 100-year flood.
Others asked why roads and railway lines had been built up to the extent where they effectively became dams, pushing water on to properties, and flooding them.
Mr Hakkaart said these issues would be raised with the NZTA.
Clutha District Council staff would be looking at controls preventing new flood issues caused by road maintenance or works carried out on private properties.
Otago Regional Council environmental engineering and hazards director Dr Gavin Palmer said part of the strategy's purpose was to highlight areas where growth could be achieved without the risk from future flooding.
Information sessions open to everyone will be held tomorrowfrom noon to 2pm, and from 4pm to 8pm, at the Coronation Hall in Milton. Councillors and staff from both councils will be available at these events to discuss the strategy and get feedback so they can incorporate the public's views into the final document.
Submissions to the draft strategy close at the end of May.